Thank you sunshine for making my morning so special. What a wonderful pal you are. With you at my side, I forgot all about my housework, my errands, and my schedule. I opened my eyes to a bright blue sky, rolled down my window and felt your warm glow on my face. What a wonderful surprise you are.
It is amazing what a beautiful day can do for your mood. I had every minute planned this morning, however I allowed myself to just let go. I drove the car and stopped to walk. I sat outside, and just relaxed. Aaaaahhhhhh! Enjoy it I said. All this rain lately has gotten me depressed, and life won’t stand still for me, so I guess I need to stand still for it. I need to do this more often. I need to breathe again. Life is only as bad as you make it.
I found the above picture while browsing through a beautiful interior design blog called
Décor 8. Lots of beautiful pictures and design.
I also found another blog called Busy bees. I especially loved this blog entry because it reminded me of my first apartment in Heidelberg. It was a loft design with so little furniture, but somehow it always appealed to me. Now I feel so cluttered again. Just give me a minute, and that feeling will subside.
So, I did get a few things accomplished in the last two days. Harriet, our Honda, has been serviced and cleaned. She is in excellent condition. I also managed to sew and decorate Nicolas’ window. This was actually my second attempt to decorate this window. The first time I bought a June Tailor Make your own Shade kit, which turned out to be a total failure. Yes, I had bubbles galore, and the fabric did not stick to the shade and came flying at me once it was mounted. So I would not recommend these kits. Buy a cheap one at Lowes or Home Depot and cover it with fabric. Its cheaper and probably more reliabale. Oh well, live and learn. So now I am off to enjoy my evening. I am hoping to get some sewing done, but I may just have to do some research on washing machines. Yup, mine has been giving me problems, and since it is now 11 years old, there is no use trying to save it. At least we knew it was coming.