Today was Nicolas' First Day of School in Kindergarten. Full of excitement, anxiety and pride I dressed, fed and put my two babies in the car at 6:55am this morning. I would love to tell you that I got teary-eyed, but to be honest I was just proud. He was excited and ready to go. No shyness, no tears, no clingyness. I felt like he was ready to take his first step into the real world, and I was ready to let him go. I knew he was in good hands, and that his day would be filled with great stories, new names, and fun. I walked him into his classroom, and he gave me a hug and said goodbye.
Together Olivia and I spent the rest of the day together. I was hoping to put her into school today, but they were full, so it was just me and her. It was nice having only one child to deal with all day. I made sure she took her nap after lunch, so I could get a few things done. I could not wait to hear from Nicolas all day. What I would not have given to take a peek through the windows.
I promised my husband that I would get pictures of him getting off the bus, so I stood outside 20 minutes early to make sure that I would not miss him. I decided to let him take the bus home, so he gets used to it. I know that none of the other parents are letting their children ride the bus, but I disagree, and if and when a problem should arise, then we will deal with it then. Confrontation is a part of life, so he might as well get used to it now. The sooner he learns to deal with confrontation, the better he will get at it. So, together Olivia and I sat on our wooden chairs outside enjoying the beautiful weather. I heard the bus down the street, about 8 minutes early, and I grabbed my camera and stood in the yard. I was ready, but I am afraid the bus was not. The busdriver did not even see me, and drove right past me. Too bad someone else was not taking the pictures, because I ran down the street after the bus. I looked right at Nicolas as he drove by, and I knew that he was probably sitting in his chair crying instead of screaming at the busdriver. I was hoping that the busdriver noticed her mistake and would make a U-turn, but that was not the case. I waited 5 minutes, and put my camera down, and grabbed the car keys to go after him. I must say I was a bit furious, because I called the Dept. of Transportation this morning to make sure that this sort of thing would not happen. Just as I drove the car out of the garage, I heard the bus coming again. Excited, I parked the car, and tried to grab my camera, realizing that I had left it inside. The moment was ruined, gone. I missed it. No matter. I hugged my son, who was not crying, and talked to the schoolbus driver who was apologizing profusely for missing the address. I don't know how they can concentrate on the driving let alone all these new addresses. That is one job that would give me a headache and a heart attack.
So, my firstborn is home safe and sound and happy. So is his mommy. What a great day!
So I finished sewing a skirt for my sewing table today. Yes, I really organizing the house. Although it is very frustrating not to be able to sit down and sew, it is also a great feeling knowing that everything has a place. No more junk drawers. No piles of paperwork. No ribbon here, and elastic there and there. I have managed to clean, and reorganize three out of four rooms. The last one is my sewing room. That will be the hardest. BTW, this is the armoire that I want to paint. I cannot decide whether red, green or yellow. I am thinking red.