Where creativity knows no boundaries......

Monday, November 16, 2009

Life as a minivan mom..........

Why on earth does this country have to be so big?  A routine stop to the grocery store takes two hours.  Americans really do like everything big don't they?  Big Screen Tv's, Big Cars, Big Grocery Stores, Eight Lane Highways, and Bigger Portions to eat.  I like small.  I like quaint.  I like good.  It just reminds me that wherever I retire, has to be calm, small, and beautiful.  I want to walk to a bakery, or a butcher (do we have any left in this country?)  No wonder I have become such a great internet shopper.  LOL.  That really is not such a good thing, believe me.  I am just tired of spending half of life in a car, even though our Henrietta is a fantastic car.l

I spent another day with the kids on the road.  (No wonder why the inside of my car looks like it does every week.)  I left with Nicolas right after he got off the bus. Picked up Olivia, and drove to our Doctors office.  Yes, the day had come, where I needed to get them vaccinated against this horrible H1N1 virus.  I dreaded it all day.  Could not concentrate on anything.  I knew I could easily fool Olivia, but Nicolas was another story.  Thank goodness, they all know me at the office, and helped me seperate the kids.  It was over quickly, and neither one of them cried.  All that worrying for nothing.  The wait was agonizing for me, and yet I am still worried about the consequences of them getting these shots.  It was the right decision, but Olivia is so fragile when it comes to her health.  I still worry.

We left after an hour of waiting, and I stopped in JA's to pick up some zippers.  Having a hard time finding red zippers lately.  You would think they would double up on their stock during this time of year.  Grabbed everything they had, and took the kids out to eat.  This is the fourth night in less then a week, we have eaten junk food.  Even though, their meals did include fruit cups tonight.  I am hating this fast lane life lately.  We made it home just before 7pm, exhausted, whiny and grumpy.  My goodness, I was driving.  I should have been the one grumpy and tired.  Olivia is such a drama queen pretending her whole body was pricked with a needle, she could not walk down the hallway.  When I asked her what was wrong, she said she had a booboo pointing to her right arm.  They stuck the needle in the left arm, so I knew she was faking it.  When I told her there was nothing there, she pointed to her hand, and the game went on and on, until I got her to laugh.  Mommyhood at its finest. 

I am exhausted.  So as usual, after cleaning up the mess we brought in from the car, I sat down and began to blog, hoping that tomorrow I will finally get alot of sewing done.  My TODO List grows each hour, and as it stands right now, I will get very little done again. 

However, my blogging certain sites was fun tonight.  There is a site I am dying to share.  It is called Jasmine Star Photography Blog.  This girl is amazing.  She photographs all kinds of things, but most importantly she knows design.  I mean she photographs brides that are wearing Carolina Herrera wedding gowns, and the shoes are just to die for.  I would love to post a picture, but she specifically asks that we don't steal her pictures, so you will just have to go see for yourself.  I swear her and Heidi Klum are probably best friends. Look at this wedding gown and those Kate Spade Shoes, and if you have any love whatsoever for interior design, you will just love the pictures.  She really makes you feel like you know the groom and bride.  You can feel what they are feeling.  Her blog is a beautiful story, one picture after another.

Wow, it has gotten cold here at night.  Time to bundle up and go to bed and read a nice blog.  Good Night.

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