Who would have ever thought that my computer crashing would lead to a totally new sewing room makeover. Well, the furniture is not new, but my newly organized desk space is. In short, my computer was crashing on me daily - dumping physical memory several times a day. I finally called my computer guy - and yes everyone should have one - and he told me that my hard drive is having problems. Cause: overheating or age. We came to the conclusion that it is probably overheating. So I had to move it, and back it up, and now test run it for several days to see if the problem is resolved.
I decided to merge my desk back into my sewing room, however it was not easy, since my room is already incredibly full. As you can see, I have fabric all over the place (not to mention the playroom closet, armoire is also full). I know. I am going on a serious fabric diet. In a lifetime, I won't be able to sew this many clothes. Especially not at the snails pace I am sewing at the moment. Honestly it felt really good to clean everything up, and refold most of my fabrics. I love to think about things I can sew. Even my son said "I love it when you clean everything up mom!"
Moving the desk out of his playroom gave him lots of new undiscovered space, and he could not wait to play in it.
I moved everything in the room myself, so that explains the hot water bottle on my back, while typing in bed at 8:30pm. Oh yes, really painful right now. I pulled something really bad, and not even eight Motrins today kept the pain at bay. Note to self: no longer 25.
We had a really nice two days. We were lucky that IDA did no damage to our property, except bring lots of rain, grey skies, and windy days. Hopefully this too will all end tomorrow. The kids were great during the last two days seeing that they were stuck inside. Well, my son behaved wonderfully, my daughter on the other hand......Let's just say "Olivia you wear me out!" We seem to be having tug-of-wars with rules, listening, sharing, and whining at the moment. She is quite sassy, and loves to see how far she can go with me. Typical 2yr old. I caught her again marking everything with a permanent marker. No matter what I say or do, she likes to repeat her offense again and again. Her fingernails are black, her toenails are black, her doll is blue, and my chair and table are green. I even put the markers up high this time, but she found a way to climb and get them. I am shaking my head at the moment, because I cannot wait for her to turn 4. LOL. Nicolas was definitely alot easier to handle at this age. He only had to be told once. Put in his room once, and given a time-out once. She has an endless amount of courage, and seems to enjoy that.
Two cute little outfits I found on sale in Pottery Barn. I love the look of these dresses, and I am sure I can figure out how to make them..