Have you ever woken up and felt like you were moving along like a slug? Slowly creeping out of bed, but not exactly thinking clearly. Getting nowhere fast. Well, that is pretty much my feeling for today. I woke up late, got out of bed late, and stayed in my pajamas way too long.
It started a few weeks ago, when my computer gave me problems. I recently purchased Photoshop for the computer, and combined with the amount of pictures I have been taking, the computer has slowed down so much that I finally reached the maximium output of this thing. So, in every free moment I had, I did my research. Is the program that has caused all this mess? Is it my pictures? I moved them all over to an external hard-drive. Well, I will just upgrade. If I need more memory and a bigger hard drive then I will buy them. HA. No go. My motherboard/processor cannot handle all this new fangled stuff, so now I am looking at purchasing a new computer. I have a computer friend, so I called him. He spends all day repairing PC's, and his recommendation - buy a Mac. Great. I did not need to hear this, even though I had already checked out their site. I know that with all the images I process - both embroidery and camera images that it was inevitable that when I ask what I should buy, everyone would recommend the same thing.
My brain needs time to take all this in, and process this. Do I really want a 1500 dollar gift for Christmas?Is it a good investment? I could not get my mind off of this important decision, when it suddenly occurred to me that my husbands old store carried Imacs. He was just given a 20percent gift certificate for his 20 years in the service, so that could give me a $300 savings plus no tax. That makes everything a little better. But only a little.