Found here.

Sold here.

Found at the Ribbon Jar.

Found here.

Found here.

Found here.

Found here.

Found here.

Great for boys.

Farbenmix Ribbons.

So many beautiful things, and so much inspiration. Stay away from the internet if you want to cut down on your stash, and save your money. I have a birthday coming soon so I cannot wait to just spend some of my money. Any favorites? I love the bunny fabric (the first one), which I first saw on Ravenhill. What a beautiful blog she has, and so many beautiful things. Honestly, I really like to blog, and my favorite blogs have alot of wonderful pictures, but the reason I keep coming back is because I find the writer to be interesting. I definitely recommend reading this one. I spent my morning on this one, and enjoyed it thoroughly.
Since we are discussing blogs, another favorite of mine is Sheree's Alchemy. I know you will love what she has been writing about. Her creations are lovely, and the fabric she uses is fantastic. I spent an hour reading her blog last night, and really enjoyed this one too.