Buy more fabric of course! I decided after my hubby upset me a bit last night, that I was going to go shopping this morning. I really wanted to run into Hobby Lobby and buy some of that nice seersucker to make an Ottobre Woman's pattern. I cannot wait to start on that one. Anyways, while I was there I found some cute nice girly knits. I was not expecting to find much, since most of the stores seem to be cutting back on fabric lately, but I just could not resist. I know I won't get any sewing done for a few days because I have to work on my taxes, so what is a poor woman like me to do but look at fabrics and maybe buy some more. Right????
Our quilting shop, which has an enormous amount of fabrics, carries everything you can possibly imagine. I really like alot of the bolder new prints, but.......I don't always necessary like them on the little ones. I prefer the fabrics that are a bit more conservative. Not to mention the fact, that they just don't sell in my shop. I found this lovely print, and am looking forward to making a few things with it. It also comes in blue, yellow and orange.