Lousy night. No sleep. Just could not go to sleep. I believe at about 2am I finally snuck out of bed, and walked through the house. Of course, I could not get up at 6AM, and decided today was the perfect day to play hookie with the kids.
It is so nice sometimes to just sit down and eat breakfast, slowly get out of our pj's and get dressed. No stress, and no rush. We decided to hop over the bay and go shopping. I put the children in the car as I always do, turned on the DVD, and ran into the house to gather up my belongings. When I finally turned the key in the ignition, all I got was silence. Once again the battery was dead. The kids probably played with a light or who knows what else, and we ended up doing nothing all day. I was so excited to do some shopping. I did my hair and dressed up nice, and then my bubble burst. Oh well, I grabbed my neighbor who helped me with the battery, and we finally went shopping (only at Target) after Olivia woke up from her nap. The kids had fun playing together all day, and the weather was perfect! They did not seem to mind at all that we were not walking around a mall. I decided to just let the house stay messy, and concentrate on the kids. I am sort of in a spring cleaning, move all my furniture around mood, which means I don't want to clean unless it is a deep clean. The weather was just too nice to be inside, and there is only so much cleaning a person can do.
I have to begin concentrating on baby clothes for my shop since summer is fast approaching. Here are some wonderful fabrics that help inspire me.