Other then that I had a busy day. Nicolas was introduced to his Kindergarten teacher today. He goes to speech at the elem. school, and his teacher handpicked a teacher for Nicolas. She knows that he is rather shy, and will not talk to anyone if he is bullied, so she wanted a very nice and caring teacher for him. The principal agreed, and told me to bring him in once a week to slowly introduce him to the Kindergarten class. He left my side clinging to my leg and crying. However, it did not last long and he had a great time. Mrs. C. read a story, had them draw butterflies, and introduced Nicolas to the playground. That was too kool! The kids were very friendly, and wanted to play with him, so he felt right at home. I told my mom that I am probably going to put him on the bus on the first day, and let him find his way. If I go with him, he will cry and embaress himself, and things will just get worse from there. Of course, I would love to see him walk into the school and be a proud mom, but I know the teachers would just like us to wave goodbye and go. The less interaction the better.
No sewing for me. I am trying to get caught up on my "To Do List". I have to pay the bills tomorrow, and then Thursday or Friday is all mine. Teri has convinced me that I have to make something for myself. Look at her latest creation: Love it!
I love this picture from LottieLuLu's blog.
This is another cute women's top made by Pam over at Off the Cuff Style.
I love this picture, and I love the fabric. Found it and ordered it for the same Pj's for Nicolas.
Also fell in love with one of these fabrics (the pink and orange flowered one). The fabric line is called Summer Soiree.