Where creativity knows no boundaries......

Monday, May 11, 2009

Ottobre Raglan Tee 2/2005

I have made this T-Shirt before shown here . This time however, my son asked me to make him a "Rock Star" T-Shirt. He had all the details worked out. He wanted this blue knit with a green star. I added the green trim on the sleeves to give the T-Shirt a little more umpf. Don't ask me where he got the idea because I honestly could not tell you. However, he bugged me to no end to have it finished by Monday morning. Maybe I will know more tonight.

I used a size 98, and a fabric from Fabric.com. I am not sure whether the size was too big or the fabric was of lesser quality. I think both were to blame for my little mishap while putting it together. The collar was huge. It stretched and would not recuperate at all. I applied steam over and over again, but still could not get it to shrink. So I had to remove it. That took me an extra hour last night which did not make me too happy. Then I cut it out three inches smaller, and it still was alot larger then the last tee-shirts I had made him. I usually use knits from Chez Ami, so I assume that this knit was just of lesser quality. I also lengthened the T-Shirt because the Ottobre pattern runs very short. The topstitching was done with my sewing machine and coverstitch. The coverstitch does not pull on the fabric, so in order to avoid any more distortion, I used the coverstitch as much as possible. The star applique was pulled off of the computer. I just look for coloring pages under google. It actually looked cute on him, and once I make some shorts out of the matching stripe twill, he will have a nice outfit.
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