but no matter how hard I tried, I could not get him to trust me. No tags, no collar. A cute little golden cairn terrier that looked lost and sad. I attracted enough attention running through the street that five other cars stopped to lend a hand. I was very humbled by it, but no matter what, we were unable to gain his trust. One lady even handed me some french fries to lure him onto the other side of the road. It is a busy road, and the cars are usually traveling too fast to make it up the hill. Lots of trucks, and the scene going through my head would not let me leave this little fellow. Finally, he took off running, and when I saw a neighbor watching us, I asked him a few questions. He told me that the dog got hit by a car last night, and he tried to catch him, but no luck either. I called Animal Services right away, and they arrived within 5 minutes, none of us were able to locate him. He was probably tired, and laying in someone's backyard. I can only hope that when they come home and find him that they take care of him. I am saddened by this, even though he may be safe and sound in his own bed.

Other then that, I have had a very busy day. I signed the little man up for soccer, went to our weekly playdate with the kids, and then off to meet our new Kindergarten teacher Ms. Carter. I am thrilled that she will be his new teacher. She seems very structured with lesson plans, group activities, her own website, and lots of information that helps the parents see what she is working on, and where we as parents can help. I am actually feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment, knowing that I still have alot to do to get him ready for school.

Olivia wore an empire top I made for her this summer and the Ottobre pants from the Summer Ottobre magazine.

These are two lovelies I got today in the mail from Banberry Place. I might have to buy a few of these magazines, because the patterns were adorable and no different from the Ottobre magazine. Lets see how the fit will be.