Yes, I have been absent from my computer, however not without reason. Once again, I find myself renovating parts of my house. In order to fit Nicolas' bunkbed into this house, I had to move it in the playroom. Thus moving the playroom into Nicolas' old room. Well, actually we (and by that I mean I) decided to do away with the playroom. For very obvious reasons like ITS A PIGPEN ALL THE TIME! So instead we decided to create an office/tv room/den in which the children and I can play together. Me on the computer, getting up to build things, fix things and find things, and the kids happily entertained with their toys. So, if one of them brings a drink or food into this room, immediate time-outs will follow. I have made a deal with my son, that we are keeping 1 toybox, and three large bins of toys, and the rest will be given to good little boys and girls that are not so fortunate. Then each night everything will be thrown into the bins before we eat dinner. Sounds good to me.
It has been a ton of work, and although I am moving at a snails pace, I planned for that. There is no way I can keep my head focused on only one thing with two little toddlers under my feet all day, so I give myself two tasks a day in order not to stress out.
The colors above are based on my sons wishes. I had planned on putting bright red in his room, but he wants green and blue. I am having a really difficult time finding anything green for a boy. I guess I will have to go with Duvet covers on both bunks instead of a Duvet cover on top and a matching comforter on the bottom. I can always make pillows and other accessories. I was thinking about doing blue on the bottom half of the wall, white on top, with a green stripe, mother recommends green on the bottom half, blue on top and a white chair railing. So I still have yet to decide. I just know that I am almost done getting all the junk out of his new room, and then the carpets need to be cleaned. I doubt I will be very successful in that arena. Don't ask.
Other then that, I found this little gem at Target today for $2.50. It matches her room perfectly, and I am hoping to teach them how to tell time.
Another cute purchase were these shoes. I just love patent leather. Bright pink.
I found a beautiful designer the other day, and I could not help but show her on my website. Her beautiful clothing combines everything I love - heirloom with a modern kick. Please visit her Designers Blog at Paradin Around.