I won Yvonnes Free Fabric Giveway. Oh my goodness, I have never won anything.
Thanks Yvonne, looking soooooooooo forward to getting those beautiful fabrics.

Very cute things, for smaller sizes. Full-size patterns too.
Beautiful dress posted here on Well-crafted.

Thank you everyone for commenting on my son's room. I was having such a hard time figuring out color, and then scheme. I have never attempted to paint two colors in a room, and I was really having a rough time.
Eight samples later, way too many colors to count, I finally came up with a very nice color combination. The blue is a sky blue, and the green is somewhat mossy grass green. The picture above was taken with my iphone, sorry but my camera battery charger has gone missing, and of course after three months, my battery is finally empty. I am sure a little two year old knows where it is, but mama can't find it. So I will be heading towards Best Buy this weekend to grab another one.
Anyways, once I get the entire room done, and the bed is delivered I will be sure to post some pictures. I am excited.