Where creativity knows no boundaries......

Saturday, August 1, 2009

(---) YAWN (--)

Now I am almost certain that I must have a virus of some sort, probably brought on by the Croop that Nicolas and my niece had right before I left CA. Although I have no chest congestion like everyone else, I am incredibly tired, lifeless, stuffed nose, and a constant headache. When I say tired, I mean that my eyes are in pain they are so tired, and I have taken a nap for the last three days. So now I know something is wrong. Thank goodness it will end sometime soon.

Other than that, weve enjoyed a nice Sunday. It is amazing how a trip to the grocery store can totally satisfy my kids??? They spent two hours playing with each other after that. I should turn that into a daily chore. I prefer to eat fresh produce every day anyways.

I sold Nicolas' bedroom set. I put it up on Craigslist yesterday, and got two bites within the hour. I could not believe it. Of course, I am so excited that it will have a good home to reside in instead of a dumpster. I think I am going to use Craigslist again to sell other things that I need to get rid of. Since we know we are leaving next year anyways. We are hoping to get to do a tour in Japan. Otherwise we would like Germany, or Italy. If worse gets to worse we will be sent to Dallas for a year, but that is not so bad either. We both know Dallas and like it there. Many of our friends have retired in and around the Dallas area, so that is another plus. My husband seems to think we are going to Japan though. I am excited. I never like leaving friends behind, but I do love being introduced to new places.

New cords from Germany.
Ribbons galore

A beautiful adaptation of the Oliver & S pattern

Top and skirt posted by Plum Stitches

These dresses are from Old Navy
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