So this is my latest banner idea for Fall. Could not get the kids to fall asleep last night, so I spent my time at the computer playing until they finally fell asleep. It was way too late to start sewing, so I will have to wait until tomorrow.
Southern Matriarch posted a wonderful tutorial on continuous piping. A real treat on how to attach piping without overlapping the ends. Please leave her a comment for the wonderful work she did.
This cute lovely was posted by Tanti colori. I love the rickrack on the bottom
A new embroidery set from Der Stickbaer. Too cute.
Lately, alot of cute doll dresses have been made. Teri over at mermaids made a cute ensemble for her little doll.
And the Scientific seamstress posted a tutorial for a princess dress on her blog. My daughter is carrying a naked doll around, so I guess I need to get something done there.
Yvestown finally posted a picture of her sunroom. I cannot believe those floors are painted. Lovely.
Unboring boys has a must read article about the 7key elements you must have for your boys this fall. Good read.
Can you get any cuter? I just love this blog. Villa Valmanja & muita käsitöitä
Ok enough inspiration for today. I need to get some work done.