His face when he saw his birthday present!
September 29, 2009
Happy Birthday Nicolas! Yes, my little boy turned six today, and wow what a day it was. My friend Sarah came over early in the morning with donuts, and helped me build a trampoline. That was the other big present he got for his birthday. Actually, it was from my mom. I could not believe that we got this thing put together in little over an hour. Was not quite sure, we could do it, but I am high-fiving my friend right now for the great job we did.
Cannot figure out whether he was more excited or I was about this thing. I know we will have a lot of fun with it, even though the size of it is bothering me a lot. It is a monstrosity. Takes up about a quarter of the yard, and is not the prettiest thing I have ever laid eyes on. Oh well, too late now. I am not taking this thing apart and returning it. Too much work. My fingers are going to be sore for days.
After the great surprise, we ate out with friends, had some more cupcakes, laughed, and are now snug as a bug in bed.
Tomorrow…..well it is going to be my day. I am hoping to get some sewing done first thing in the morning. Wish me luck.