Where creativity knows no boundaries......

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Life in the Fast Lane

September 30th, 2009

Oh what a wonderful day we had yesterday. The only thing that could have made it better was to have my husband home celebrating it with us. I was so happy to see that my first child has grown up to be such a great little man. It is truly amazing how fast they grow.

I have to say Thank You again to my friend Sarah for wasting an entire day with us. I don’t know what I would done if I did not have my friends here to support me. What a lonely year this would be.

Yes, I did it. I sewed all morning. For three hours I managed to work on an Ottobre project, and will hopefully finish it before the weekend. A sneak preview is below. I love the fabric. Although the print is sort of babyish, it is just perfect for what I am working on..

My goodness, my days just seem to fly by lately. I don’t have enough time in one day to complete half of the things I need to do. I am doing my best to make sure the house, the car, my shops and my hobbies don’t take over, but is hard sometimes. Oh well, life always finds a way of giving me just enough time to empty the dishwasher, read a few blogs, and jump on the trampoline with the kids, so I guess even though I am in the fast lane, I am still able to enjoy a little bit of everything.

I wanted to mention a great blog that I found. MCP Actions is a great blog as a resource for anyone who likes to use Photoshop or who enjoys photography in general. She is currently giving away one of her new actions, so hop on over and take a look.

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