I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving with family and friends, and stuffed themselves full of glee. Luckily we were invited by friends to enjoy their Thanksgiving feast with Family. I was quite depressed that morning, thinking about my husband throughout the entire day. He is usually the one who prepares the turkey and the stuffing, and not hearing him stress out over the time was completely strange to me. However, I enjoyed the fact that my thoughts were broken up by kids and conversation during the afternoon. We had a beautiful time, and the food was delicious, and I did not even have to cook.
I decided to dress Olivia in a dress I made last year, and she never got to wear, because she fell asleep right before the turkey came out of the oven. It was so perfect, and although it is alot shorter then most of her purchased dresses, I liked it alot.
Normally, I spend Thanksgiving Day sewing, and I must say I missed that this year alot. I really have an itch to sit down and sew. There is so much going on in my house at the moment, that I rarely find the time to do anything for myself. I know that I will make the time to sew up a few things for Olivia. She desperately needs some new clothes, and Nicolas needs a pajama for his December Polar Express Field Trip. I managed to find some "I Believe" flannel at JA's, and that will be cute.
So, I wanted to end today's blog entry by saying how thankful I am for my family, my husband, my friends and the unbelievable fortunate life I currently enjoy. I imagine I am not the only one who feels that way today.