I think this is one of my favorite pictures. I took it yesterday. The weather is cold here in Florida, only 47 degrees yesterday. My son took a moment from playing with his truck to take in the warmth of the sun. His face is full of peace and tranuqility. I love it.
Thank you for all the wonderful comments. I needed that yesterday. It always feels nice to know that others share your feelings, your worries, and that they care. I am better today. Quieter. The kids obviously knew that mommy was "Really, really mad" yesterday, so they tried to be on their best behavior. I took the time last night to sit and read a bit of my "Screamfree Parenting" book. The author always does a good job of directing me back into my chosen path. I was right, my life is over, because once you become mommy, nothing goes back to the way it was. Nothing. I felt a bit overwhelmed and anxious, and although I asked the kids numerous times to behave themselves, I was the one out of control. Today I opted to put them in time out every time they broke "the rules", and after both of them landed in the "chair", they got the point. I was not going to lose this race. I also told myself that I was piling my dishes way too high. I have to relax and realize that some things cannot be finished. Some of you may have noticed that this year I did not make an Adventswreath. This is the first time in 23 years that I have chosen not celebrate Advent with a big wreath on my coffee table. Yes, it saddens me, but I knew that I did not need the stress. I don't have to bake cookies this weekend. I can do it this week, when the kids are in school. Less mess, less stress. Instead I made brownies. The kids were just as happy, and it was less of a headache.
All in all, I had a really good day. I got to talk to hubby, who quickly reminded me that he would soon be there to help me. I felt guilty for telling him how I feel, because he noticed that I was overwhelmed. He does not need that kind of stress on top of everything else. However, he always seems to make me laugh. I feel his arms coming right through phone hugging me with every joke. I really cannot wait to see him. After the phone call, I started to clean and took the kids to play outside in the cold, but sunny weather. I also managed to clean up the garage, work on my son's Christmas homework assignment, cook dinner, bathe both children, and put them to bed on time. Now I am off to clean up my sewing room, because I want to sew this week. I want to make sure I find time for me.

Here is one more picture of another Christmas Pyramid. This is an older version, one that does not spin. However the handcrafted setting is always what gets me excited. Beautiful things always excite me.

Speaking of beautiful, here is a picture of Rebecca's house. I don't know her personally. She is another sewer whose beautiful projects I admire. I am in love with this picture. So much so I could make it the background on my computer. What a beautiful house. I thought it was worth sharing