Where creativity knows no boundaries......

Monday, January 18, 2010

Friends - Good for the Heart

Love at first sight

Playing with Friends


Nicolas and Macy


Things that made me happy today....
- SUN that warmed me
- Friends that kept me smiling
- Giggles from children
- A baby boy
- Pizza with friends
- A cup of tea to warm my soul.

This day shaped up so much better then I could have ever imagined.  Just take a pot full of friends, small and large, and combine them with sunny weather, a park, lots of catch-up stories, giggles and smiles, and you get the perfect recipe for happiness and fun.  There is no better way to have fun or to warm your heart, then to laugh and talk with friends. After being couped up in the house for weeks, it was good for both the kids and me to get out. After a few hours at the park, we drove over to the pizzeria and had dinner together. A wonderful sunny day, full of hugs and kisses. Just the way a fun day should be.
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