Where creativity knows no boundaries......

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Olivia you wear me out!

I had lots of plans for today.  A little bit of this and a little bit of that.  I wasted most of the day taking care of house and kids.  Olivia (2) is giving me major headaches with her defiance.  She does not listen nor react to any type of punishment, and continues to be a menace to this family and house.  I am irritated and tired from dealing with her all day.  No matter what type of punishment I try, nothing seems to work.   I tried to talk to her gently and calmly tonight, and asked her why she wanted to get mommy so upset.  I asked her if she wanted to live with a new mommy.  "Yes,  a new mommy is good" was her answer.  I guess that is what I get for asking the question in the first place.  Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.
"Olivia you wear me out!"

Things that made me happy today....
- sleeping in
- the smell of brownies
- not driving anywhere
- watching a movie with the kids
- sewing a pair of pants in 20 minutes
- beautiful comments from friends.

Some great inspiration I found....

Blogged here.  Olivia from Farbenmix.  She gives a great tutorial on how she finishes six nightgowns in two hours.  Amazing.

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