Where creativity knows no boundaries......

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Smiley Face

Smiley Face

Things that made me smile today.....
- a hot bottle warmer at my feet
- my goose down comforter
- the above picture
- Starbucks Chai Latte

"Good Morning Mom!" Nicolas said, and pointed to his creative moment.  I laughed, while struggling with my next project.  Never in all the time I have been sewing, would I think to make a smiley face out of my pins.  LOL.  He is a creative one my boy.
Ottobre Pants
Ottobre Pants

Ottobre Pants - 3/2003 - Size 74 - #9
Everytime I make a pair of pants from Ottobre, especially in the wintertime, I always encounter the same problems.  First of all, the fit of the front crotch.    It is huge.  Probably made to fit a baby with diapers.  I end up with this enormous amount of fabric in the front crotch, and not enough in the back.  Second of all, the length.  They are too short for what I had in mind.  I lined these gorgeous pants with a jersey knit so she would remain warm in the winter.  I purposely traced a size 86 in length in the hopes she could have cuffs on the bottom.  Nope, the length is perfect with a pair of shoes on.
Then to make matters worse, I put in the elastic this morning (using the Ottobre method) and it had stretched out way too much.  She is 19in. in the waist.  I cut off three inches, and it was just too big.  So I sat myself down, and planned on ripping out all of my stitches, when it occurred to me that I could possibly draw a smaller piece of elastic through, and make them fit.  Great shortcut, however trying to pull elastic through such thick corduroy really took a toll on my hands and fingers.  I intend to use this pattern again, and make notes with every pattern change in the hopes that this does not happen again to me.  I love the width of the them, but not the width of the hips.  I cannot wait for her to grow a bit, so I can use some different patterns.

Olivia - Part 2#
Sometimes life has a way of turning out just right.  First of all thank you Sandra for the good advice.  I will try to emphasize more of the positive things that I see Olivia doing in the hopes that she changes or understands.
Last night, shortly after turning off my light, I heard her little footsteps coming down the hallway.  My room was very dark, so I could not see her enter.  I waited for her to say something, as I heard her breathing.  She finally said "Mommy?"  Since her nightly visits are becoming quite regular, I thought it best to ignore her.  However, she did not go.  She just stood there, quietly.  Once more I heard "Mommy?".  No longer able to ignore her, I turned to her and said "Olivia, please go back to bed".  She turned quietly and walked back to her room.  Thinking to myself how easy that was, I began to close my eyes, but I suddenly heard her crying through the baby monitor.  I waited, and waited in the hopes that she would stop.    I finally got out of bed and stumbled into her room, and sat down next to her bed.  I quietly whispered in her ear "I love you!"  Her crying stopped.  I turned to walk out of her room, and she started crying again.  Too tired to think, I picked her up and brought her back into my bed.  Yes, I know.  That was definitely the wrong thing to do, but under these circumstances, I just cannot find the strength at this time of the day.  I asked her if she was comfortable, and she turned around and said "Yes mommy.  I don't want another mommy, I want you mommy!"  I smiled as she held my hand and fell asleep.
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