Nostalgic Rose by Jeannine
Things that made me happy today.....
- the kids letting me sleep until 9am.
- Talking to my uncle Mitch this morning
- Playing with this pretty picture
- finding a great tutorial by Anton Juki
- not leaving the house today
- having a hot chocolate and icrecream cake party with the kids.
- cleaning up their rooms together.....successfully.❤❤❤
I am still working on organizing and decluttering my sewing room. It is a slow process, because I have 36 drawers that need to be cleaned out. However, I started on it, and I will finish. Once it is completed my office/sewing room should be easier to manage. I have already freed up two out of four drawers, which means that there is enough space for all the junk that I had lying around in boxes. ☺♡!!!! Posterous is another thing that has helped me to organize my internet time. I am able to write one email, and send it to all of my favorite sites at once. I save alot of time. I dont have to upload pictures to Flickr anymore, then blog, and then head over to Facebook. I post, and it is automatically sent to every source. It saves me about 30 minutes a day. I am enjoying my earlier bedtimes that is for sure.
Dr Phil has announced it, you can become addicted to Facebook. I have been preaching this for awhile, that is why I seldom log on to it anymore. I love to watch what my friends are up to, but lets face it, there are just more important things to do nowadays then log on every five minutes to see how my friends are doing. Not that I dont care.
I, on the other hand, am very much addicted to blogging and the internet. I just love to learn new things, and find ways to improve both myself and my hobbies. Speaking of which, found some great things for Photoshop today, while the little one was napping.
Ok, here is a try at the tutorial I found on black and whites today. I am in love with this method for creating perfect black and whites. Of course, it always comes to personal preference. Some like their pictures richer, darker and some alot lighter. I took this picture of Olivia in the bathtub tonight.
I took the picture with my 50mm Canon lens. Love it for up-close and personal shots such as these. I wish now I had bought the more expensive lens, since I have such a fondness for it. The above picture is my favorite. It is softer, the bottom picture is darker and tinted, but it has lost some of the detail. There is a reason I took the picture, but I cannot tell the secret. You will find out soon enough. Ok, now it is off to finish cleaning my room.