Things that made me smile today......
- all the advice I got regarding Nicolas❤
- spending an hour teaching my son two new sight words, laughing the entire time
- hearing "Mommy kiss me again❣"
- watching Funny Girl
First of all, I want to thank everyone for the great advice they gave me regarding Nicolas. Seriously, it just makes a person feel so good, when people leave an opinion, and I want everyone to know that. This all so new for me. Up until a few months ago, I had no idea what sight words were, so I really do appreciate all the ideas and resources that keep coming my way. I ended up letting the day just pass, worrying and researching, and finally wrote his teacher. She advised me to use some flash cards, and practice at the most 10 sight words a week, without overworking him or stressing him out. I also checked out the website Spellcity and it is a wonderful tool to help children learn how to spell and simultaneously play word games. I appreciate this great link. You know I just cannot help but think that it is ridiculous to put children in school for 6-7 hours and then expect them to come home and continue learning without any real playtime. Overall, Nicolas is doing very well in school, so I am proud of him, and I told him that on numerous occasions throughout the weekend. However, some children are slower in learning, and of course mine is having a hard time right now, so I will do everything I can to make it easier for him. It would be easier if hubby were here, but in the meantime, I will have to take more of my freetime and give it to my children. What else is new right? Once a mommy, always a mommy first.......
The house is wreck and I have been cleaning all day off and on while on the internet, so here I go again trying to get a few more things done, in the hope to finally find some time to sew again.......❤