Although, I spend a few hours on the computer, contemplating and planning my next projects, this "drawing room" procedure has really worked for me. I tend to get more done when I cut, and draw patterns all at once, leaving the weekdays for sewing. Starting a project at 8:00 is just not happening, so at least I get off my feet and sew all at once. I finished everything on my last drawing board, which is truly remarkable for me. I am a bit of procrastinator, but the biggest problem I have is being easily inspired to working on something else. The moment I buy a new fabric or a see a new outfit, I cannot control my thoughts. I guess the best way to explain it is if I were sewing in my sleep. There is no way, I can finish as many garments as I dream up. I quickly forget about the older projects, and jump onto a new one. This helps me to stay focused. Remember why and what I am sewing.
The first two dresses are for a friend who just had a baby. The JonJons are for my shop. Although I used the Ottobre PDF file, I have my own pattern for the JonJon that I use. I prefer having snaps on the bottom, and I like to hide the straps with various buttons for growing little boys. Ok, now I have spent enough time on the computer today. I am off to finish few things, eat a big bowl of ice cream, and watch HOUSE.