I had a great day. It started a bit bumpy, because the entire family did not wake up until 8:05am. My son was a bit bummed that we slept right through the morning, and that he was missing school. He could not wait to show off his new book to the class. Darn these time changes. They make no sense to me whatsoever.
Then I embarked on a trip to Joann's to grab some $1.99 Simplicity patterns. I found some really nice patterns for women, and great fabrics for my shop. The linens and suit fabrics were really nice.
I came home and my husband had been working on our taxes all afternoon. After he finished our personal information, I got moving on my business taxes. Wow. I had no idea that so many things were considered part of the business expense. I had alot of digging to do in our paperwork. Thank goodness, I love to keep receipts. We finished at midnight, and although I am tired, I wanted to spend a little time on my blog. I did learn that I need a much bigger filing cabinet. Too bad they don't come in white. I would hate having a tan or black huge filing cabinet in my workroom.
We did manage to sneak out of the house for dinner, and I was able to take a break this afternoon and bake a cake with my son. He loves to bake with me. I guess I should say he loves to lick the bowl, if you know what I mean.
I had hoped to sew another item tonight, and post an outfit on my shop, but I am glad that we managed to finish the taxes. I tend to procrastinate on such a large project, because I know how much time it takes. It always drains me, but now I am relieved and happy about the nice little return we will get. Too bad, that most of it will go towards the credit card. I guess that is a good thing too. On this note, happy and tired I will say good night.