The reason I labeled this post Ottobre is because yesterday I decided to do a little clothing shopping. We intend to take the kids to visit hubby's entire family for spring break, and I have not bought anything for myself in a very long time. Not having much to choose from, I took Olivia to TJ Maxx and Target. I found some wonderful knitted sweaters, however nothing in pants. I am not 18 and I am not 27, so where do I shop. Once I finished I decided it was time to sew my own pants again. Ann Taylor is about the only store that has pants that always fit me well. Talbots is usually too big, J.Crew too small, etc........However, I no longer have an Ann Taylor store anywhere within a 4 hour drive, so it is back to the sewing machine. I want to make a pair of jeans believe it or not. I want the waist to tuck in my tummy, because the waistband is going to be right there where my waist is, not 4 inches below it. I want a great thigh fit, because I want a straight pair of jeans. No boot cut, skinny, or loose fit. I have a beautiful black shiny stretch jeans material that my mom bought in Europe that has been sitting in my closet for far too long. I want them to be dressy, and casual at the same time. I want to look nice.
I could not wait to get home and look through my magazines for something special. I had so much fun spending the afternoon looking for ideas, and patterns. I even got on Flickr last night and looked at all the pants that people made in our Ottobre group. Wow, I don't remember seeing so many beautiful pants in the pictures. I guess I have been too focused on the children's clothes that I skipped over a few great posts. Of course the pants I decided I wanted to make are in an issue that I did not have, so along with my subscription renewal, I ordered two individual women's issues that I wanted. I think I have all the others. This is why I dubbed yesterday Ottobre day, because besides looking through alot of older issues, pdf files, the website and our Ottobre Flickr and Yahoo group pictures, all I did was clean.
It was a fun day that ended with my son having to play baseball again. This time I made sure I was there. My hubby has a tendency to talk to Nicolas too much, and baby him too much. His nervousness is sometimes worse then my son's. I finally pulled him away from the ball field, so that Nicolas could only wave at us and not whine at us. He had to concentrate on the coach and the kids. I think Nicolas had alot of fun, and although he would not admit to it, he wants to go back. He whined because it was so cold, and although I did not agree with him, I was freezing by the time we got into the car. Brrrr.......
Tomorrow I will have her outfit finished, and will post pictures.