Oh she is at a terrible age right now. Lots and lots of work. However, it is during moments like this, when I see that precious smile, I know that we will get through this together. She has an enormous amount of willpower. She never listens, and when I say "Time Out" she runs to her corner with a smile on her face! She keeps me on my toes. She wears me out, and I know the worst is yet to come.
Many friends have asked me how I was holding up. I am exhausted. No, not tired. Mentally and physically exhausted. I could fall asleep while reading the kids books at night. I sometimes yawn so much that my son tells me to go to bed. He's 5! LOL. However, I am trying to tweak my routine/schedule every day. Anything that will help make things go easier. The kids are demanding of my time and energy, and I am going to have to share myself a little less, if I hope to continue to keep my sanity. The kids are going to have to spend a little less time screaming "Mommy!" every two minutes, interrupting my phone calls, and allowing me to eat every once and awhile. It just amazes me how many times I get up from the table to get napkins, more milk, a fork or spoon because it has fallen to the ground. When I finally do get to sit down to a "cold" meal, they want to be excused from the table. Again, I have to rise to get them out of their chairs. Jeesh Louise! I am preaching to the choir I know.
I got to talk to my husband tonight. I really was so worried about him this weekend. He flew into Atlanta on Friday night, when all 15 of those tornados hit. His flight was supposed to leave Dallas at 7:45pm, however they did not leave until midnight. Once in Atlanta, they were taxied or bussed to Ft. Benning. There were so many road closures, that they arrived at 4am. At 5am, they had to be ready for formation. No power, no showers, no food, and he apologizes to me for everything I am doing. They sleep four to a room in bunk beds. Eat at a mess hall. So, I guess my hardship isn't that bad, comparitively speaking. Tonight, I will sleep in my comfortable bed alone with a smile on my face, knowing that tomorrow I will wake up refreshed and ready to go again.