Pictures of my birthday flowers using my new camera.

I am more and more amazed at how fast my day just flies by me. Sometimes I picture myself on a skateboard, just passing people, places and things without realizing where I am going. When I finish with my day, I wonder what the heck I did or am doing that makes my life seem like an endless race. When will the finishline be reached? I guess I am chasing a rainbow, and won't reach it until I slow down and look up and see the sun.
I did manage to achieve quite a bit today....
I sewed an Easter dress for my shop, packaged and mailed it too.
I mailed off Easter cards to the grandparents and cousins,
I made a trip out to Target and bought egg decorating kits for the kids, (and grabbed a delicious much needed Chai Latte for myself)
I brought Nicolas to speech class,
and I managed to clean the house.
So now all I have to do is my taxes (again, don't ask!), renew Nicolas' passport so we can fly to moms during the summer, find the time to decorate some eggs, bake some bunny cookies, pay all the bills, clean out the car, and cut my bushes down. At least none of these things have to be done tomorrow. Thank goodness for the little things in life. At least we are all happy and healthy.
This girl (IINU) never ceases to amaze me with her beautiful creations. The fabric combination is just beautiful.