Where creativity knows no boundaries......

Friday, May 8, 2009

Blogger Award

Again, my thanks goes out to Kinzie's Kreations for this award.

Now it's my turn to nominate 7 more Kreative bloggers. For those bloggers listed below, here are the rules to fulfill the award process...
1) List 7 things you love.
2) Link to the person/blog that sent you the award.
3) Choose 7 more bloggers to pass the award to and link to their blogs.
4) Comment on those 7 blogs to let the recipients know you've chosen them.

The things I love:
1.) My husband.  I never realized how lucky I was to marry such a wonderful, trustworthy, helpful and loyal man.  Now that he is gone to Iraq for a year, I think about all the great moments we have shared, and the wonderful things he has brought to my life.  
2.) My children.  Of course, must I elaborate.
3.) My mom and dad.  I could never have asked for better parents.  We have a great relationship, and I just hope that my kids feel the same way about us one day.
4.) Germany.  I feel so incredibly privileged to have grown up in this country.  I love so many things about it.  Their traditions, history, architecture, food, people, countryside, holidays, customs and way of life.
5.) My Sister.  The only one I have, but would not trade for the world.
6.) Sewing.  If someone had asked me 15 years ago, what will you be doing in 10 years, I would have never said "Housewife who loves to sew!"  I do love to sew, and I wish I could go on a sewing retreat, and just sew for an entire week without any interruptions.   Just sewing whatever my heart desires.
7.) Life.  There are very few times in my life where I have been as content as I am now.  I have a wonderful family, a great group of friends that I love, internet sewing buddies, and a very busy and happy lifestyle.  I am doing exactly what I want right now and lovin' it.

For me this is the hard part because I follow over 80 blogs, so I will try and pick a few that have not gotten awards.
Another lovely and interesting blog.  She is amazing to me, and her creations are simply gorgeous.
She makes beautiful garments with wonderful fabrics.  Her blog is always a treat to read.
Beautiful creations and children.
Karen is just amazing.  She sews beautiful children's clothing, and designs wonderful patterns and garments.
I am a big fan of hers.  First of all, her daughter looks like Olivia.  Second of all, I am really hoping she will design patterns one day, and third of all because she makes such wonderful clothing.
I recently found this blog, and thought she was a wonderful seamstress.  Love to read this blog.
I know she receives alot of awards, because her clothing is cute, special and unique.  Wonderful creations, and although I do not undersatnd her blog all the time, her gift for sewing is wonderful.

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