Where creativity knows no boundaries......

Friday, August 28, 2009

B is for Butterfly



I wanted to just let the pictures tell a story.......
but I decided to write a few words.
Yes, I sewed last night. It seems no matter how much I iron or clean, the pile does not shrink, so the heck with it.

This is the Popover Dress from Oliver & S. It is a free tutorial, so try it out. It seems a bit wide across the front for Olivia. Normally their patterns fit beautifully, so it surprised me that this one did not. As always, the description, instructions and pattern pieces were easy to use, and very well written.

The fabric I got at JA's. Believe it or not, it was marked down, and yes
it is a decorator fabric. They had several of them I wanted to snatch up, but this one was by far my favorite.
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