Friday, September 25, 2009
First of all, I want to thank everyone last night for the great advice. You were right on the dot with this one. I spent a few hours researching the topic, and almost every site had the same advice. I also took Teri’s advice and talked to the coach. He wants Nicolas to stay on board. I will just have to walk away or turn away when he is playing and learn to control my disappointment. Not easy. However, we are going to stick this one out until the end. Tomorrow morning is another game. Yippee!
I am beginning to think that I don’t want to sew. I planned today to spend the morning sewing after I came back from dropping Olivia off at preschool, however after writing Lance my daily Y letter, I got stuck on the computer for another hour. I have been trying to teach myself a lot about photography. I enjoy it. Sending my husband pictures on a daily basis has become sort of a habit. I am glad that we take so many pictures, because every once and awhile we all sit down and watch a slideshow. The kids really enjoy it, and we do too.
I took Olivia for a little walk today, and we landed in front of a church, where I took a whole bunch of pictures. I also edited them. I have been spending a lot of time on a new blog called MCP Actions. Jodi is a wonderful photographer, and she has some fantastic advice out picture taking. I have bought and intend to buy some of her actions, which help you to quickly edit your pictures. The pictures of Olivia were done with her free actions, and the one I bought. I think they turned out quite well. Please don’t hesitate to tell me if you don’t like them. Critique is the best way to improve yourself.