October 8th, 2009
It is about time I finish a sewing project. I have been working with these monkey’s too long. So it here it goes.
Ottobre 4/2003 - #13 – size 92.
A good looking outfit, and I did not think I could pull it off. I hate collars. No I dread collars. Something always goes wrong, or the points don’t look crisp enough. In this case, it turned out pretty good. The collar facing was a bit big, but I tweaked it a bit and got it to look good. The sleeves are way too short – about 3 inches. However, if I decide to make it again, I will definitely go up a size or two. The pants fit just fine. I would probably lengthen them by 2 inches next time. I already lengthened them by an inch. The size 92 pants are perfect for my skinny little boy, who does not eat enough.
This project took me a bit longer then expected. A lot of things got in the way, and it was tedious. I am not a big fan of using interfacing in kids clothing, and wonder still if I should have left it out. I was worried that the collar and the front facing would not keep its’ shape so I put a lightweight HTC interfacing on one side, and I think it looks fine. So, now I can start cleaning my sewing room which has threads, scissors, fabric, scraps and you-name-it all over the place.