Ocotber 11th, 2009
I sense a small dry breeze this morning, and it sure feels good. Fall is coming, I just know it. I wonder if Fall is so special because everyone gets out and plants new flowers, decorates their houses, starts a new wardrobe, and looks forward to Christmas. I know that these thoughts get me moving everytime. I love to bake cookies, and the kids always get excited whenever we walk into the stores. It is a special time of year. So Happy Fall!
I really do not have much to write about. Life is pretty boring in our household at the moment. I finally got a lot done this week, because I dropped the little one off at a daycare, and she stayed there from 8-3. The problem I face is that this daycare costs us a whopping $430 a month. I don’t want to keep her there everyday, so I don’t like paying for something I am not taking full advantage of. However, the preschool she attends at the moment, gives me 2 ½ hours in the morning, before I have to get back in the car and drive around again. In two hours, I manage to put the breakfast dishes away, make the beds, and get a load of laundry in the wash. I just never get to the important things. The bills, my budget, the doctor appointments, my sewing, the deep cleaning, the organizing, and all the rest of the things that I have to do all by myself.. I hate to spend the money, but I honestly feel that when my chores are done I have more quality time with the kids. It helps me to relax, and I have a bit more patience at the end of the day. So, I am faced with a difficult decision, and my husband says to just do it. It is a good investment no matter which way you look at it, but I am still unsure.