Our newest challenge this week. I love to edit these pictures because I am trying to improve the look of most of the pictures I take of the kids. This is a great way to practice.
1. Adjustments in Lightroom.
The exposure was great. Recovery: 48
Vibrance: 19
2. To correct the face, I used the adjustment brush in Lightroom and increased the brightness.
3. Also corrected the Luminance
Red: 17
Orange: 9
Yellow: 19
Green: 17
4. In photoshop, I ran Jodi's MCP Action Fingerpaint to give the leaves a bit more pop.
5. I also ran MCP Skin actions to smooth out her blotchiness in the face, and changed the opacity to 31%.
6. I ran an unsharp mask and then created a duplicate layer with mask to brighten the eyes.