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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday........Day of Peace

Falling leaves

Sundays are always hard for me. For some reason, the kids always go to bed a little later on Saturdays, which in turn means that I stay up too late enjoying my freedom and peace and quiet. Getting up later on a Sunday is a given, and after I make the kids breakfast and sit them in front of the tv, my husband always calls. I usually do most of the talking, since his days are filled with work and other boring details that he would prefer not to share. I, on the other hand, talk about the kids, school, friends, family, and whatever else is going on at the moment in our life. Listening to every detail of our life, makes him feel like he is still a part of it. I also spend at least 30 minutes each night writing him as many details as I can about our day, plus I make it a point to send him a new picture every day. I take the time to make him happy. :)

After I finish talking on the phone with him, someone from my family calls, and then I usually get a phone call from someone in his family. Yes, my Sundays are full of phone conversations. Today, it was a total of 3 hours talking to family. I actually enjoy it, but by the time I am done, the house is a total wreck from ignoring the children and letting them watch too much tv.

So before I know it, I take my best friend - the vacuum - and go through the house quickly. I know I will need it again in the next four hours, so my friend stays parked in the hallway, waiting. Wow, it is lunchtime, and I am still in my pj's. That is so unlike me, and yet it is becoming a Sunday ritual.

What a difference my Sundays have become since my husband left. He was always a long sleeper on the weekend, but by 9am, we were always awake tending to our house and the kids. By noon, I would have everything done including myself, and be ready to attack a few projects or just relax and spend the day with family. I miss those days, and I long for them again.

Today I planned on getting the Christmas tree, but I am tired, and really hate to venture out. Sundays are meant as family days. Sundays are relaxing and filled with memories. I don't want to work today. I don't want to decorate. I want to nap, sew and watch tv. I guess being mommy is a 24 hour job, and with that said, I will put on my face, hop in the car and make the kiddies happy.
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