My friend Sarah and I decided to get creative with our photography this year. We decided on a theme, and chose to post a picture. This was the first of hopefully many inspiring photographs. Our idea for this week was "The New Year" "Something New". Since I have my head in sewing right now, I decided to create something with my sewing supplies. It was not easy, since my creative juices are not flowing at the moment, but hopefully with a little practice I will jump back into the swing of things.

My Ottobre mishap. The shirt is from the 6/2008 Ottobre issue. The Elly Shirt. I was a bit disappointed with the outcome. On the picture it looked wider at the hems, however the shirt I made is hugging her body. It is not too small, as a matter of fact, it fit her perfectly. I intend to play with the pattern a bit, and make it again. However, this shirt is going to be put to rest. I have no intention of finishing it. I just dont like it. The pants are from the 4/2008 issue. The Vilka pants. I have made them many times before. They are easy to put together. As a matter of fact, I had these pants finished in less then 20 minutes. I did alter the pattern somewhat and added 4 inches to width at the hem. I also left out of the seam allowances because a size 74 was too wide on my little skinny one. I wanted to try the pants with her shirt, but I did not like it. Not fancy enough. The pants did match however with her new sweater. So that made me smile at the end of the day. Tomorrow I will start all over with a new project, and hopefully a happier ending. Tomorrow the kids go to school and I am going to sew from the moment I am alone until they come home. I can hardly wait. Maybe that will put an end to my depression. Goodbyes are tough.