For anyone who would like to keep notes for Christmas crafts for next year. I would definitely keep track of this little cute house. I am sure the kids would have alot of fun putting this together.
She writes about so many lovely craft ideas that are just beautiful.
I did not find any time to read up on blogland about crafts
for Christmas, so I am taking notes of things that I can do next year.
I wished I had more ideas lined up. Take a look, and I am sure you
will love all the beautiful things on this blog. These gift tags are so elegant.
One new blog always leads me to another, so I found Simplify 101.

You can sign up for her newsletter, and she sends you a great email with 101 organization tips. One of them I put to use right away this morning. I cleared off my desk. It always puts me in a bad mood. I swear that decluttering your home is also a great idea before you begin cleaning. I always spend an hour of putting away clutter before I clean.
I loved the look of Love, Obsess and Inspire.
Creativity is written all over this blog.
I found the cutest Etsy Shop called A Little Sweetness.
Her blog is full of the cutest artwork.
You Go Girl is another adorable blog full of beautiful craft ideas.
First thing I noticed.......
She is one of us. She likes Ottobre, definitely worth reading.
A beautiful photography website called PeekABoo, and Sheyerosemeyer, Kara May.
Another sewing blog I bumped into is called Pink Penguin. Lovely things to look at.
Ok, now I must go pay attention to my children before they disown me.
Oh, a bit of mommyadvice......don't send your two year old into her room to clean when she does not want to......

Oops had to add one more
Thoughtful Day. So serene and worth reading.
Her blog is full of the cutest artwork.
You Go Girl is another adorable blog full of beautiful craft ideas.
First thing I noticed.......
She is one of us. She likes Ottobre, definitely worth reading.
A beautiful photography website called PeekABoo, and Sheyerosemeyer, Kara May.
Another sewing blog I bumped into is called Pink Penguin. Lovely things to look at.
Ok, now I must go pay attention to my children before they disown me.
Oh, a bit of mommyadvice......don't send your two year old into her room to clean when she does not want to......

Oops had to add one more
Thoughtful Day. So serene and worth reading.