Where creativity knows no boundaries......

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Designated Design Day

Things that made me happy today
- Time made for sewing
- A cup of tea
- a bubble bath
- Finding some lovely inspiration
- Laughing with friends

I have planned a sewing day since Monday, and since life got in the way, today I tried to achieve my goal once again.  Yeah, I did it.  I actually took some me time and put together a few ideas that were brewing in my head and put some fabric and patterns together.  Here is a glimpse of my progress......

(sorry for the blurry picture)
Here is something better

My plans were to make pants, dresses, tees for her winter wardrobe.  Wish me luck because I need to start packing up the house and getting it ready for sale too.  Uhhhhhhhh - that is me silently screaming.

Last night, I happened to find a beautiful Flickr site called NanaCompany.  I love her talent. Her clothes, her pictures, her lifestyle seems to be very creative, elegant and beautiful.  I have posted several things on my blog, however, I recommend you take a look for yourself.

Could not help but notice that Heather Bailey has a new fabric line out for sale.

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