Olivia was in a "toddler mood" today. She had one tantrum after another, would not get along with her brother at all, and barely listened to any of my threats. By the time dinner arrived, and she said "I don't want to eat" "Yuck" I had enough. I took her from the table and put her in her room and she went to bed without dinner. Yes, I know that sounds rather cruel, but believe me tomorrow will come soon enough, and she will think twice before pulling her usual stunts again.
I ended up cuddling with Nicolas awhile in bed, because "monster eyes" were staring at him through the window (no way possible). Those monster eyes were probably mine. My blood pressure was pretty high this evening. I am never sure if it is caused by my anxiety or something I ate. I am making an appt. with the doctor first thing tomorrow morning. Maybe she can give me some really good "RELAXATION" pills. I am beginning to think I am allergic to the voices of my own children. I tease you not. Around 4pm, after making Oatmeal cookies with the kids, I just could not listen to them anymore. They never stop talking to me and following me around. God, I don't want to be that kind of mom. I want to be the patient one. The kind that takes them on my lap and lets them tell me all that is on their minds, but I just cannot. I feel as if my brain is clouded, and I just cannot think a clear thought. This only happens on the weekend, when my days are long, and my temper is short. Is it the blood pressure that is causing the quick temper, or the temper that is causing the high blood pressure? I did nothing today except make the beds, build a fort, and make three meals. I have so much to do, but it can wait. Tomorrow is another day, and nothing is more important then sleep right now.