Where creativity knows no boundaries......

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fun in the Sun

There are times, when I think about my day, and I just feel so out of control, because I feel like I have not done a thing.  However the camera, and this blog always remind me that my day has been full of something.  It may not be as productive as I always want, but that is not always what counts.  Today I took the kids out of school pretty early, and we spent alot of time outside having fun.  As you can see they love the water.  I have three sets of clothing hanging outside to dry, alot of wasted diapers, but a happy family.

I am working on another outfit for myself, and I am hoping to get some pj's made up for Nicolas in the coming week.  My sewing has been terribly slow, and it is really getting to me.  I can't concentrate on anything else, and believe me there is always alot to do in this house.  

There is a blog that I love to read.  I love her format, and the things she sews.  It is called MADE.  Here her recent project. 
She also recommended this little empire top tutorial.    Just what I was looking for.  Oh I am in love with this weather, and sewing a ton of garments. 
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