Goodbye 2009 and Hello 2010.
I welcome you with open arms. 2009 was a wonderful year and if I had to take a moment and come up with two words that totally embraced this year it would be Friends and Family.
2009 started out with my parents moving from Germany to California. Although we were apprehensive about the move, my parents found a wonderful neighborhood, and quickly made alot of new friends. My mother loves the weather and waking up to a beautiful view every morning. I am so happy that they have turned their new destination into a home, and are enjoying their retirement so much. We were lucky enough to spend two months with them this summer. The kids had a great time, and I never realized how relaxing it was until after I got home. It was so nice to be around the entire family again.
I cannot forget this was also the year my grandmother died. She had just turned 90. She was a wonderful woman, and I will never forget her. I was saddened by the fact that I could not go to her funeral, but I know she knew that. I always think about her during Christmastime and whenever I take a picture of the kids. We enjoyed many holidays together in New England, and once a month I developed pictures just for her. I miss her.
Next, hubby left to go to Kuwait for a year. This event truly took over my life, and brought about alot of wonderful changes. Our relationship grew stronger and more resilient as time went on. I came to respect him more then ever before for voluntarily sacrificing so much for our family, and I believe the same holds true for him. Being a SAHM with two toddlers by yourself is a tough job. Distance truly makes the heart grow fonder, and although he has been gone, I try to make him a part of everyday life by writing everything down for him, and sending him pictures almost daily.
In the midst of all this, I have gained alot of new friends in my little hometown. Friends that have been there for me through thick and thin. Friends that have made me laugh, cry and helped me whenever I needed someone or something. I cannot even imagine what 2009 would have been like without them. Very lonely...........I send them lots of hugs for being there for me.
My Nicolas started Kindergarten this year, which brought about alot of change in my life. I now know how difficult it is to juggle a schedule with kids in school. The next few years will be interesting. Olivia is a typical 2-year old, always adding something new to my life on a daily basis. She starting talking this year, and is getting better at it with every week that goes by.
We also took the time this year to visit and be visited by family. Our trip to Kentucky was beautiful. Even though the kids got very sick, it was so nice to visit Lance's family after such a long time. We also enjoyed the short trip from his dad in November. The kids had such a good time playing with Grandpa and Grandma.
In conclusion, this mom is very happy and so fortunate to have such a beautiful and big family that loves her as much as they do. I love them too. I had to close my Etsy shop for Christmas, but I was able to put alot of things in perspective. Time seems to be flying by me more then ever before, and I realized that if I dont stop to open my eyes, I will probably miss out on some beautiful moments. This has led me to take up my newest hobby - photography. Spending so much time with the kids, I have stumbled upon a new love. One that allows me to share my time with the kids, and make everyone happy. Sewing is still and will probably always be my favorite thing to do, but it is getting harder and harder to find the time to finish things this year. Photography is fun, and since by friend and uncle are both photographers, I am hoping that 2010 will bring even better experiences with this new hobby.
As always, I am very grateful for all of my internet buddies that give me such great advice, hugs, and a pat on the back when I need it most on this blog. Turning to you has proven over and over again to be alot of fun. I will drink a toast to you this evening as I enter the new year with a bang. Stay healthy, have fun, be good, and kiss everyone you know for good luck! Happy New Year.