I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's Eve party with loved ones, and find themselves happy and healthy in the beginning of this new Year. I must say that although I was surrounded by loved ones, this year is starting off a bit sad. Even though we ate a "good luck" meal yesterday with friends, I was plagued by the thought of taking down our Christmas decorations. I was not prepared nor willing to take the Christmas tree down. It still looked so beautiful, and alive. I felt like I was slaughtering a live animal. It broke my heart. Funny, because normally I cannot wait for January 1st to take everything down. Not so this year. I finally decided that because our tree still had so much life in it, to put it outside in our yard with all the lights. It stands outside of our living room window, and will light up our evenings for another month. I am not sure how I am going to dispose of it, but I will worry about that when the time comes.
Another reason for my sadness is the fact that my sweetie left this morning to go back to Kuwait. It weighed heavy on my heart all morning, until I finally thought about how grateful I am that he got to come home over the holidays. I am very lucky to have had him for ten days, no matter how hard it is to say goodbye. In only 105 days his tour will be over, unless we are forced to extend. But that is another story, and I am not in the mood to even think about that.
Resolutions???? Do I have any? Maybe. I want to start working out.......or walking again....eat less junk food. I want to sew more. I want to take a picture every day for 365 days and get better at my photography. I want to clean out my garage and throw away all the junk that I found in the house. I want to do things that make me happy. Yes, that is it, I want to do things that make me happy. I think that is a great resolution.